We have endeavored to offer current and latest information about us while preparing this site. In spite of our best efforts, errors may occur and since the relevant legal terms, laws and regulations change very frequently, the information on this site may be neither updated nor accurate. Visitors to this site as well as the customers using this site must understand that the data contained on this site is solely intended to provide general guidance on matters of their interest. There is nothing on this site which constitutes a comprehensive or complete statement of the issues discussed. Users of this site shall not take or omit to take any actions by placing reliance upon the information contained on this site.
All users should obtain specific professional advice on all matters. DH Limited will not be responsible or liable for any loss, whatsoever, that may arise resulting from reliance on any information on any other sites to which this site may be linked. Now of the above shall be taken to exclude liability for fraud, false information or negligence causing accidents or personal injuries.
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